Organic Bibhitaki Powder (Terminalia bellirica) - GOPALA AYURVEDA - 100% Certified Organic by USDA, Control Union and India Organic!
In Sanskrit Bibhitaki means 'the one that keeps you away from the diseases'. One of the three ingredients in the most widely used Ayurvedic health promoting formula -Triphala, Bibhitaki is one of the best herbs for detoxifying and rejuvenating kapha. As such, it is used in all types of kapha imbalances and is especially helpful in supporting the organs and tissues where kapha tends to accumulate. These include the lungs, liver and urinary tract as well as the sinuses, ears, eyes and throat. It is extremely astringent in taste and has the qualities of being dry and light, all of which help to balance the inherent damp and heavy qualities of kapha. Bibhitaki also helps maintain balanced body fluid levels while toning and cleansing the colon.
Detoxification and rejuvenation for kapha*
Supports proper function of the lungs and healthy, comfortable breathing*
Promotes healthy elimination*
Promotes healthy vision, voice and hair*
Maintains proper function of heart, liver and kidneys*
Ayurvedic Energetics:
Rasa (taste): astringent, sweet
Virya (action): heating
Vipaka (post-digestive effect): sweet
Doshas (constitutions): Balancing for all doshas, may aggravate vata in excess.
Ingredients: Bibhitaki Fruit (Terminalia bellirica) - Certified Organically Grown
Bhringraj Powder (100% Certified Organic by USDA, Control Union and India Organic)
Sanskrit Name: Bhringraj / Keshraj
English Name: False Daisy
Botanical Name: Eclipta alba
Ayurvedic Energetics: V- P+ K
Bhringraj is an ancient ayurvedic herb for hair loss, premature graying, skin allergies, and devitalized skin and hair. It is a rejuvenative for Pitta constitution and also for the liver.
Bhringraj balances all three doshas and is curative mainly for pitta. Taken internally, it purges the liver of bile and so is a trusted remedy for hepatitis, prevents ageing and helps rejuvenate bone and its subsidiary tissues, teeth and hair, improves sight and memory, and helps sharpen the intellect. Oil medicated with Bhringraj is used to keep Hair and Scalp healthy and prevents Hair loss and graying Hair.
BHRINGRAJ is a preventative to the aging process which maintains and helps rejuvenate bones, teeth, hair, sight, hearing, and memory. It is a rejuvenative for Pitta constitution and for the liver; it is the best herb for cirrhosis. It is also the best Ayurvedic herb for the hair. Bhringraj oil is famous for making the hair black and luxuriant; for removing grayness and reversing balding. It helps calm the mind from excessive activity and promotes sound sleep. In many respects it is similar to brahmi, or gotu kola, in its properties. It combines the properties of a bitter tonic like dandelion (for which it is a substitute) with a rejuvenative tonic. Applied externally, it helps draw out poisons and reduces inflammation and swollen glands. It is a good tonic for the mind. Bhringraj also is good for the complexion.
Suggested Use: 1-2g Bhringraj Powder daily.
Ingredients : Each 10g of powder contains : Bhringaraja* (Eclipta alba) -10g
No animal ingredients. Cruelty Free Certified Organic Product. Suitable for vegetarians.
? Made with 100% certified Organic Herb.
? No Heavy Metals.
Bibhitaki est l’un des trois ingrédients du célèbre Triphala formulation particulièrement connue de l’Ayurveda. Il est purifiant et régénérant et ce surtout pour les poumons et le cœur. Son action va donc se porter sur les muqueuses pulmonaires, le tissus cardiaque, mais aussi sur le foie et les reins en réduisant l’accumulation de Kapha dans ces organes, leur permettant ainsi de travailler librement. Cette plante est donc largement utilisée pour améliorer la fonction respiratoire, libérer les bronches et sera particulièrement utiles à ceux qui souffrent de maladies chroniques telles que l’asthme.
Ingrédients :
Bibhitaki* (Terminalia Belerica) Fruit
* issue de l'agriculture biologique
Conseils d’utilisation :
Poudre: 0,5 à 1g 2 fois par jour, au moment des repas.
Gélules: 1 à 2 gélules 2 fois par jour, au moment des repas.
Présentation :
Gélules 100% végétales de 500mg
boite refermable de 108 gélules
sachet de poudre refermable de 100g
(étiquette du produit en Français)
Information Transporteur : Non